Dear Readers, Listed below are some of the articles we've seen this week that reflect issues - in areas such as corporate governance, sustainability, leadership and artificial intelligence - Tomorrow's Company thinks business should seek to engage with fully if it is truly to become a force for good in society. Yours, The TC team
A study involving Google's DeepMind AI tech company yielded "jaw-dropping" results detecting and diagnosing eye disease
Chief executive pay jumped 11% to almost £4m last year, compared with a 2% increase for UK workers as a whole
How, in a noisy world, Danone does more than talk the talk
Singapore-based sustainable business Air Amber focuses on building the economic capacity of disadvantaged communities and fostering inter-generational relationships
US senator Elizabeth Warren's new bill - the “Accountable Capitalism Act” - is an attempt to get capitalism to work better for average Americans, attributing its problems to a shift in the obligations of corporations from stakeholders to shareholders only
The rate of diabetes diagnosis among young people has risen by 41%. How about a courageous conversation, combined with collaborative action by business, government and society, to help prevent our children suffering a life of obesity and illness, and keep the NHS from a battle it cannot afford?