The Telos Foundation
Tomorrow’s Company has for a generation championed the human purposes of business, building on the inspiration of the 1995 RSA Tomorrow’s Company Report. Its belief is that business can and must be a force for good in society; that purpose, values and relationships are the foundation for long term success and sustainability.
Over the years, it has initiated, led and facilitated debate and discussion on the role and purpose of business in society. Its research papers and documents of dialogue have formed a basis of reference and guidance to businesses and organisations whose leadership have desired to forge a purpose beyond the bottom line, and it has done this with the support and contribution of its supporters, partners, staff, benefactors and trustees.
The widespread acceptance of the importance of business purpose, and the continuing evolution of the investor stewardship agenda, are two recent reminders of the impact of the whole Tomorrow’s Company movement.
Tomorrow’s Company has always relied on recurrent corporate membership subscriptions, and in the current climate this business model has proved increasingly difficult to sustain for them and for many other similar small charities. The trustees have reluctantly had to conclude that the corporate form which embodied Tomorrow’s Company – The Centre for Tomorrow’s Company – has come to the end of its successful run, and therefore has closed.
However, there continues to be a strong interest in the vision and the agenda with which Tomorrow’s Company has long been identified. The legacy of Tomorrow’s Company should be consolidated and continued and, in this spirit, the trustees have transfered the name and research to an organisation whose vision, values and purpose align with that of Tomorrow’s Company. That organisation is The Telos Foundation. The Telos Foundation will act as a steward for the name and legacy of Tomorrow’s Company.
The Telos Foundation and those associated with it have been partners and supporters of Tomorrow’s Company for many years. It is a registered charity whose purpose is to advance education and research for charity leaders in order to enable charities to sustain their services into the future in subjects relating to leadership. It is therefore a great home in which to be continuing and pursuing the work begun by Tomorrow’s Company and keeping its legacy alive.
In order to steer the future activities in the name of Tomorrow’s Company, and to help it explore future options, The Telos Foundation has formed an advisory board, whose membership includes Peter Ward, founder of Telos Partners, a member of the original RSA Tomorrow’s Company Inquiry Team and a Trustee of The Telos Foundation, Mark Goyder, Founder of Tomorrow’s Company and Dr Scarlett Brown, former Head of Research of Tomorrow’s Company.
This will ensure that decisions about the future direction and continuing work will be consistent with the purpose and values of The Telos Foundation and Tomorrow’s Company.

The Telos Foundation, The Old Court,
59 St. Leonards Rd, Windsor SL4 3BL
+44(0)1735 833377
Registered charity no. 1183271