Dear Readers, Here are a few news and feature articles published in the last few days that address issues - such as corporate governance, sustainability, leadership, the future of work, tech and AI - that Tomorrow's Company thinks business should seek to fully engage with if it is truly to become a force for good in society. Yours, The TC team
'The Big Four accounting firms are too profit-driven and compliant towards the managers of client firms, resulting in low-quality reporting – a disservice to investors, tax authorities and the broader public'
Why do British women live shorter lives than most other Europeans? What is it about UK way of life ? It's interesting that 4 of top 6 countries are poorer southern Europeans with different attitudes to food, family & faith:
'Morality is the new profit – banks must learn or die,' says Zoe Williams in The Guardian
Grant Thornton calls for independent public body to appoint auditors
This week, Heads Together launched Mental Health At Work, an exciting new project with the charity Mind to change the way we approach workplace wellbeing in the UK. You can now visit for access to information & guidance to help you make mental health at work a priority.
John Lewis profits slump 99% in 'challenging times'
'Public prescribe more artificial intelligence to NHS,' says article on Consultancy UK website
'The gig economy, zero hours contract, is nothing new. It is simply the reincarnation of an ancient evil.' The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, tells the TUC that some people see the 'oppression of the employed as a virtue'.
From our own website: A decade on from the Lehman Brothers collapse and our attitude to wealth hasn't really changed at all
Partnership or Paternalism? Stewardship Lessons from 'Poverty, Inc.'