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Integrated Reporting in 2012

Last year marked a hugely successful year for Integrated Reporting in terms of media recognition and momentum. The Prototype Framework that was released last November received a very positive response and a Consultation Draft of the InternationalFramework will be released from April to July this year. The (International Integrated Reporting Council) IIRC’s recent report ‘Understanding transformation: building the business case for integrated reporting’ showed that 77% of the businesses in the Pilot Programme agreed that ‘the IR process is leading to a better understanding of the whole business’, 93% said that it lead to better quality data collection and 88% said that it leads to improvements in business decision making. The IIRC states that one of its priorities in 2013 will be to bring this message across to emerging markets and to continue to support the growth of Integrated Reporting in Asia and South America. ‘Integrated Reporting is a process that results in communication, most visibly a periodic “integrated report”, about value creation over time. An integrated report is a concise communication about how an organization’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects lead to the creation of value over the short, medium and long term.’ Please visit the IIRC website to find out more.

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