Paul Myners – who died two weeks ago – had a flair for creative disruption. He was an ally in early attempts to interest the investment community in the concept of stewardship. Appointed City Minister in 2008 he championed the newly-published Tomorrow’s Owners - stewardship of tomorrow’s company which argued that investors had neglected their stewardship responsibilities. At a London Business School (LBS) conference he introduced me to Sir David Walker whom he had appointed to report on lessons from the banking crisis. Soon Sir David recommended a stewardship code. Stewardship was on the march. So there is serendipity, just after his death, in the launch, last week, by LBS Centre for Corporate Governance and the Investor Forum of What Does Stakeholder Capitalism Mean for Investors? written by Alex Edmans, author of Grow the Pie and Tom Gosling. Read the rest here.
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